Best Practice - 2

Title of the Practice : Tutor - Mentor System


The Tutor Ward system, which was implemented more than a decade ago, is another distinctive feature of Shanmuga Industries Arts and Science College. A small number of students are allocated to the faculty (from first year till the students complete their degree course). Tutors keep track of their regular activities, including academic and co-curricular accomplishments, and challenges attributable to their interactions. This also aids the tutors in providing a descriptive certificate at the conclusion of the course.

Objectives of the Practice

The purpose of this practice is to inculcate;

• A first line of communication for each student with the tutor and the college.
• Create a sense of oneness among students with the college.
• Detection and minimization of psychological, sociological, and other challenges that students confront while enrolled in classes, or to direct them to professionals for help.
• Empowerment among students, so that they become self-aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and to take corrective measures

The Context

The Tutor counsels and advises students as they progress through their undergraduate studies. The tutor gathers personal information from their wards in a subtle manner, bearing in mind that certain subjects may be sensitive, while taking extra precautions to verify that any information supplied by the ward is of his/her own free choice. This is done so that the tutor is aware of the circumstances around her/his wards and can provide appropriate help.

The Practice

• When the students enter the college, they get lost in the crowd with too many students in the same class coming from different backgrounds. These students face stress of complex course, peer pressure, and emotional immaturity. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to intervene and introduce mentorship program to this vulnerable group.
• Each faculty member mentors a group of 25 to 35 students assigned to him or her by the Department Head. Those faculty will continue to be Tutors for the same set of students until they graduate.
• The Tutor collects personal information from the ward without touching sensitive issues or forcing any information out of the wards and then provides the needed counseling to the wards.
• Critical issues are brought to the notice of the Head of the Department.
• Each faculty member interacts with their wards informally outside of class hours and advises them on career prospects.
• A documented record of the tutoring process is maintained by the tutor and the Head of the Department for reference purposes.

Evidence of Success

This practice has improved students' attendance and, as a result, their academic performance. The method assisted in identifying certain students who needed counselling, and these students were counselled by the department head and principal. Many of the issues that students have experienced have been brought up in meetings with their tutors, and they have been handled by the concerned faculty members and management (if required).

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Efforts have to be made to inculcate sense of guardianship in the faculty members for increased effectiveness of the “Tutor - Mentor System”. Making the students realize the importance of sharing their problems / issues with their respective Tutors.

Human resources:

1. Tutor - Teacher
2. Ward - Students

Material resources:

1. Students Personal Record