Distinctiveness of our Institution:

In terms of distinctiveness, we structured our mission statement as follows:‘‘To empower students from diverse backgrounds by accelerating and optimizing effective teaching and learning via exceptional knowledge and the combination of theory and experimentation.' With, equality, value, and quality education via dedication, concern, and care for the benefit of students and society, by utilizing every single resource-physical, capital, and human-in the most effective and economical manner to produce a perfect model of 'total educational development. Area of Distinctiveness: Providing Higher Education to students from diverse background.

We find the following diversity among the students that need to be addressed

o To educate the students from rural background
o To improve the knowledge of students who scored average marks in Pre exams
o To equip economically backward students with cognitive and soft skills
o To educate the students from other states
o To inculcate gender sensitization among students
o To develop integration in culture and religions

The college has carefully prepared and implemented the following action plans in order to address the aforesaid characteristics of diverse backgrounds of students towards total educational development.

Plan 1: Students from Rural Background

In order to eradicate fear and anxiety of college education and improve self-confident among first generational learners and students, various motivational and inspiration speeches are organised by the college. Renowned entrepreneurs and expert speakers are invited for this purpose.

• Special value added courses have been organized to improve experimental learning through different skill enhancement aspects.(i.e., ILM, FARAS for Spoken English, TALLY for Skill Development and CMA for Management Skill Development)
• Continual encouragement to students to enable them to participate in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities where they can acquire exposure to latest technology linked to their subject.
• Students are actively involved in different intra and inter-departmental activities offered by the college, such as seminars, conferences, workshops, quiz programmes, and so on.
• Students are encouraged to attend a variety of industrial trips in order to learn about the current industry trends. This experience helps to close the gap between the classroom and the real world.
• Students are taught how to plan and organize a variety of events in order to strengthen soft skills including leadership, time management, and teamwork.
• To deliver course content to students, new teaching-learning strategies are used, in which the teacher or facilitator determines the outcome in each class and ensures that the delivered content or outcome reaches all students (task-based learning, e-learning, web-based learning, blogs, and so on).

Plan 2: To improve the knowledge of students who scored average marks in Pre-exams

• Providing orientation and bridge courses to new UG and PG students helps them become familiar with the college culture while also preparing them for the challenge ahead of them.
• The tutor in charge forms several groups based on their students' learning levels. Students in such groups are classified according to their learning capacities; such slow learners, moderate learners, and advanced learners. Students who require professional assistance are counselled one-on-one. In accordance with this, remedial and coaching classes are also held.
• Students are also offered special guidance along with easier study materials. Students are given a special tutorial class to help them enhance their collaborative and participatory learning. In such sessions, group discussions, quizzes, role plays, and other creative teaching approaches are planned. The practise also defines and creates a Peer-to-Peer teaching platform, which enables advanced learners to teach slow learners.

Plan 3: To equip economically backward students with cognitive and soft skills

• Providing Scholarship to the students from weaker economic section.
• Scholarship for meritorious students.
• Facilitating Government scholarships for SC/ST and Uzhavar Scheme
• Providing time bound relaxation for paying Tuition fees.
• Students are allowed to “earn money while studying”.

Plan 4: To educate the students from other district and states

• Separate hostel facilities and distinct food facilities are available for students from other district and states.
• Other district and state students are encouraged to celebrate their cultural fest with traditional costumes and practice.

Plan 5: To inculcate gender sensitization among students

• To instil gender sensitivity among its students, the college organises periodic gender sensitization and awareness programmes. A variety of tailor-made programmes and facilities are also available.
• Men and women students have their own common rooms, sick rooms, recreation rooms, and special counseling facility.
• An exclusive internal complaint cell is available for the protection of women students from sexual harassment.
• Exclusive women development cell is established, through which various programmes on mental health and wellbeing are carried-out.
• There have been health rejuvenation programmes, motivating presentations on entrepreneurship development, and discussions on the benefits of terrace gardening. Various hands-on training programmes in doll and jewellery making, as well as food meals and boutique stalls, are organized.
• Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as boxing and silambattam.

Plan 6: To develop integration in culture and religions:-

• Students are encouraged to celebrate various religious festivals on campus. (For example, Samathuva Pongal, Ayutha Pooja, and so on.)
• Students are inspired in a variety of ways to help them appreciate the world of arts, music, and literature.

Shanmuga Industries Arts and Science College thus creates a distinct approach in adhering to its vision and mission statement while also contributing to the nation at large through such activities.