The department of software computer science is a emerging department exclusively for software field was established in year 2009, affiliated to the Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore. The department offers three years B.Sc degree course in software computer science.
Vision and Mission :
Vision : Graduates of the software engineering department will be recognized as innorative leaders in the field of computer science and software engineering by their work in software development in a myriad of application areas, and through their work in advanced study and research.
Mission : Our mission is to prepare students for successful careers in software engineering and graduate education with a thorough understanding of software engineering and experiential learning opportunities to apply that knowledge to solve real-world problems.
Year of Establishment : 2009
Programmes / Courses offered : U.G B.Sc Software Computer Science
Interdisciplinary courses and Departments involved : B.Sc Bio-Chemistry
Annual/Semester/ Choice based credit system : CBCS
Students strength admitted by the university : 50
Facilities(Ex:- Class Rooms, Labs and Etc.,) : Class rooms = 3 Lab = 1